3 Hour Study - Elissa

Peter Buchan Pencil on toned gesso masonite 2011
This was the result of a 3 hour study at the Paper Bark Tree Studio of Carol Broman. I drew this on gessoed masonite, in the mistaken notion that I would actually paint it. Instead, I took the time to block in the model using Anthony Ryder and Charles Miano's methods. I've outlined my initial envelope in bold white (5 sides in this case), and I've also indicated some of my measuring points and relationships (knee to rear, forearm to back, knee to collar bone, width of head). I've been taught that developing a solid, relationally sound envelope is of primary importance, and should be worked on as long as it takes. It is the foundation for all subsequent detail, and if the foundation isn't sound, it won't matter how masterful the details are.
While it isn't necessarily a masterpiece in the making, it is my first attempt to get back in the saddle with my art after some time.