My pochade box with Still Life Tomato and Knife
5"x7" Oil on canvas panel, Peter Buchan 2006 (private collection)
I began working on this originally as a study - I was having trouble with some tomatoes in another piece. As I progressed, I became very fond of my little tomato, and ran out to the store to buy a cutting board. When I got home and set it up, my daughter came in and placed a little Chicago Cutlery knife down in the composition, pronouncing "There! - thats better!". I also had to prop up the composition, for this I used my Harold Speed painting book. Alas, painting in the text on the binder would have detracted, so now I was stuck. Since then, I've taken out the book, opting for a white tablecloth instead. Oh well, I heard that gallery owners back in the day used to chain Edgar Degas pieces to the wall when he visited, he was known to yank finished works off the gallery wall intent on "fixing" them.